First Day of Forest School Leadership Training

It is really exciting to arrive at Scotswood for the first day of Forest School Training. There are 17 of us doing the course and the first few hours help us get to know each other. We start off with some simple housekeeping before heading out in to the woods.

The first activity are some simple naming games. We choose an alliterative title and then throw a toy to each other around the circle. It is a really effective way of getting to know each other as well as making us laugh and relax.

The first activity is a simple task of plying three pieces of wool in different colours to help us think about the 3 “Look Afters”. This makes me think about how we use the first few activities in a woodland setting to create a simple contract for staying safe and allowing others to stay safe.

Next up we prepare a party for a mysterious and ancient woodland creature. I am amazed at the creativity and resourcefulness present in the group. It reminds me of why it is so much fun to work with young people.

We talk about the outcomes that we expect from Forest Schools; Creativity, compromise, teamwork, communication, co-operation, emotional control, resilience, independence, self esteem and self-regulation. We also think about the opportunity for managed risk-taking and self-guided learning. Above all, I feel that we have an innate need to be immersed in nature and that forest school helps young people to “grow straight and true”.

After lunch we learn about bow saws and tarpaulins. Then we try our hand at a clove knot before ending with a reflection on the nature and purpose of forest school. It has been a cold day but it has gone in a flash. Looking back at my notes, I can not believe how much we have packed in to the day.